Railroad Modelling
in 1:48 Scale
The Union Pacific over Sherman Hill
The Colorado & Southern in Cheyenne, WY.
Building an O-Scale Proto:48 train layout
Realistic landscaping, vegetation, water and rock – to make a scene come to life .

My rolling stock pays its toll to the elements. After many years out on the road, dust, grime and peeling paint are evident.
What's a layout without trees! I am constantly working on new AND proven techniques to develop my model trees.
What is Proto:48?
Proto:48 uses the prototypically correct gauge of 4' 8 1/2" and replaces the oversized wheels found in regular 2-rail O-scale. All wheels are machined into the slim shape with the correct higth of the flanges.

Sarah Griessenboeck
All started with my Grandpa frequently going train spotting with little Sarah back then. Trains always fascinated me but steam era railroading in the West is what I really fell in love with. I love the 1930’s and 1940’s and so my layout is set in that time frame.
I’m self employed here in the Austrian Alps and travel by rail when ever possible.

Jay Criswell
I’m proud to say that Jay is one of the most important people in my life. I learn from him every day, not only modelling skills but also what it means to be generous and open hearted and to live a life with spine and courage. Jay’s a master modeler who helped others over decades in the hobby. His drive components are a legend and he is the heart and soul of Proto:48.

I have Jay’s wheels and components in many of my locomotives and plan to work with him on a super smooth and reliable drive for a set of UP Erie Builts. Jay and I are teaming up on casting 3D prints in brass, too.